I open a page programmatically with popover, the theme of the app is light so the status bar labels are black. But when the popover gets open, the the labels are status bar also gets white and nothing can be seen in the status bar. First I thought is it the problem of the popover page, but apparently, when the background page comes down, the tint color of the status bar changed. see the video here: https://streamable.com/ehvjl4
how can I prevent this.
In the app, the preferredStatusBarStyle
is white, and it works in any pages expect this case.
here is the code to open popover
func showlistCard() {
let vc = ContainerlistCard()
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
Any suggestion? many thanks
Add this line to ContainerListCard
class in viewDidLoad()
modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true