Outline: I need to use scikit-image
inside some AWS lambda functions, so I'm looking to build a custom AWS lambda layer containing scikit-image
My questions in general should apply to any python module, notably scikit-learn, or any custom layer in general I think.
Background: After much googling and reading it seems the best way to do that is to use docker to run the AWS lambda runtime locally, and then inside there install/compile scikit-image (or whichever module you're looking for). After that's done, you can upload/install it to AWS as a custom layer.
This is conceptually pretty simple, but I'm struggling a bit with best-practices way to do this. I've got this working, but not sure I'm doing it the best/right/optimal/secure way ... there are million all-slightly-different blog posts about this, and the AWS docs themselves are (IMHO) too detailed but skip over some of the basic questions.
I've been trying to basically follow two good medium posts, here and here ...kudos to those guys.
My main questions are:
There are multiple (even on amazon itself) multiple locations/versions etc for what is supposedly the latest image. eg https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html, or https://cdn.amazonlinux.com/os-images/2.0.20190823.1/.
..This is ignoring the multitude of non-amazon github hosted possibilities, such as lambci/lambda:build-python3.6
from medium posts here, or onema/amazonlinux4lambda
from here.
I'd prefer to use an amazon provided docker image, for both security and up-to-date'ness.
Basically here I'm concerned about stability and performance. I'd like to ensure that the compiled libraries for scikit-image in this case are as optimized as possible for the AMI container.
...thanks for any advice, thoughts and comments!
As of v0.50.0, the sam cli has direct support for building layers. You decorate your AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
resource with metadata about which runtime strategy to use.
Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
Description: Layer description
ContentUri: 'my_layer/'
- python3.8
BuildMethod: python3.8