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How do I condense a pandas data frame where the rows are the months and I'm trying to condense them into years?

So I have a dataframe

This is the out put that my code gives.

Here is the code:

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials
import pandas as pd
import datetime as datetime

df = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/User/Downloads/Div Tickers.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')

tickers_list = df['Ticker'].tolist()
data = pd.DataFrame(columns=tickers_list)

yahoo_financials_ecommerce = YahooFinancials(data)

ecommerce_income_statement_data = yahoo_financials_ecommerce.get_financial_stmts('annual', 'income')

data = ecommerce_income_statement_data['incomeStatementHistory']

df_dict = dict()

for ticker in tickers_list:

    df_dict[ticker] = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(data[ticker][x]) for x in range(len(data[ticker]))],
               sort=False, join='outer', axis=1)

df = pd.concat(df_dict, sort=True)

df_l = pd.DataFrame(df.stack())
df_l.columns = ['ticker', 'financials', 'date', 'value']

df_w = df_l.pivot_table(index=['date.year', 'financials'], columns='ticker', values='value')

export_excel = df_w.to_excel(r'C:/Users/User/Downloads/Income Statement Histories.xlsx', sheet_name="Sheet1", index= True)

How would I go about condensing the months into years so that the data is comparable Year-over-Year?


  • IIUC, you need to melt, then use groupby on your date column to group by year.

    #df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    df = pd.melt(df,id_vars=['date','financials'],var_name='ticker')
    ticker                                      AEM          AGI           ALB  \
    date financials                                                              
    2016 costOfRevenue                 1.030000e+09  309000000.0  1.710000e+09   
         discontinuedOperations        0.000000e+00          0.0  2.020000e+08   
         ebit                          3.360000e+08   21300000.0  5.370000e+08   
         grossProfit                   1.110000e+09  173000000.0  9.700000e+08   
         incomeBeforeTax               2.680000e+08   -7600000.0  5.750000e+08   
    ...                                         ...          ...           ...   
    2019 researchDevelopment           0.000000e+00          0.0  5.828700e+07   
         sellingGeneralAdministrative  1.210000e+08   19800000.0  4.390000e+08   
         totalOperatingExpenses        1.650000e+09  557000000.0  2.830000e+09   
         totalOtherIncomeExpenseNet   -1.000000e+08    2900000.0 -6.900000e+07   
         totalRevenue                  2.490000e+09  683000000.0  3.590000e+09