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docker nothing to do, and docker commnad not found

i followed below steps on centos 7 machine to install docker but it says nothing to do and when i run docker command it says that command not found. i followed below steps on centos 7 machine to install docker but it says nothing to do and when i run docker command it says that command not found.

**sudo yum check-update
sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum install docker**

on some other machine same commands worked but its having some strange behaviour on this machine.


  • running following steps solved the issue:

    1. some how firewall started creating problem , so i had to check the internet connection as below: curl --location-trusted --ntlm --user "xyz" enter password

    2. yum install

    3. yum -y install docker-ce