I added below block in serverless.yml
file to schedule a CRON:
handler: handler.testCron1
- schedule: cron(15 14 22 MAY FRI 2020)
Then I create a testCron1
lambda function in handle.js
const testCron1 = (event, context) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
console.log("*********** NEW est CRON ************");
console.log("Current Time ==> ", new Date(moment().utc().format()));
When I try to deploy using command serverless deploy
, it gives me below error:
An error occurred: TestCron1EventsRuleSchedule1 - Parameter ScheduleExpression is not valid. (Service: AmazonCloudWatchEvents; Status Code: 400; Error Code:ValidationException; Request ID: c5b3178b-348a-4ffd-a205-d5255dcca2ab)
If you are using lambda use cloud watch as a cron trigger.
it would be easy to handle the lambda function trigger at a particular time with cloud watch.
you can find trigger rules expression here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/ScheduledEvents.html
Supported value list you can check here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/reference-cron-and-rate-expressions.html
Example cron : 0 11 17 4 ? 2020 min hours day month dayOfWeek year
This will execute once on FRI, 17 APR 2020 11:00:00 GMT as an example.