Just like the Accordion and Carousel component from core, you can open the component dialog and add custom nested component by clicking the "add" button" on multifield. I am trying to add this functionality to the dialog of my custom component.
On the .content.xml of my dialog, I have this snippet for my the multifield or children editor.
on top of this file, i have
The problem is when I click on the add button of the dialog on my new component, nothing has popped up.
What am I missing here?
I think you are missing to add sling:resourceSuperType = core/wcm/components/carousel/v1/carousel
to your custom component.
If you do not want to override then add this below code in your component HTL file:
<sly data-sly-resource="${resource.path @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/parsys/newpar', appendPath='/*', decorationTagName='div', cssClassName='new section aem-Grid-newComponent'}"
data-sly-test="${(wcmmode.edit || wcmmode.preview)}"></sly>
This is because you insert a child component inside a newpar.