I'm trying to run a simple select statement in my program. Insert and Create work just fine. But my select query doesn't get any results. If I run the statement directly in the sqlite console I get results, so I image I must have an error in my prepared statement.
I have my Queries in another Java-Class and access them directly as static variables (and those work for create and insert as well)
Here what I have:
public static final String SELECT_TOPIC_BY_NAME_AND_DESCRIPTION =
"SELECT * FROM topics WHERE name=? AND description=?";
for (Topic topic : scan.getTopicList()) {
PreparedStatement topicStatement = connection.prepareStatement(Queries.SELECT_TOPIC_BY_NAME_AND_DESCRIPTION);
topicStatement.setString(1, topic.getName());
topicStatement.setString(2, topic.getDescription());
ResultSet topic_resultSet = topicStatement.executeQuery();
if (topic_resultSet.getFetchSize() == 1) {
System.out.println("Couldn't Find Topic: {name: "+topic.getName()+"; description: "+topic.getDescription()+"}");
The Topics are the same one I inserted before, so the name and description couldn't have changed. If I run it it gives me the following output:
Couldn't Find Topic: {name: Money; description: Alles was mit Money zu tun hat}
Couldn't Find Topic: {name: Banking; description: Alles was mit Banking zu tun hat}
Couldn't Find Topic: {name: Money; description: Alles was mit Money zu tun hat}
Couldn't Find Topic: {name: Banking; description: Alles was mit Banking zu tun hat}
But if run the select statement I want in sqlite it gives me the correct result:
main> SELECT * FROM topics WHERE name='Money' AND description='Alles was mit Money zu tun hat'
1,Money,Alles was mit Money zu tun hat
3,Money,Alles was mit Money zu tun hat
I'd appreciate any help
Your if
statement is not correct. This
if (topic_resultSet.getFetchSize() == 1) {
does not return a row count. Nor does it have anything to do with the query being matched. You wanted
if (topic_resultSet.next()) {
to check for a row.