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GPU determinism with TensorFlow bilinear interpolation

I'm looking to use TensorFlow Addons (9.1) with TensorFlow (2.2-stable). There is a function tfa.image.dense_image_warp that I wish to use. However, it uses bilinear interpolation which I'm having trouble understanding if it is deterministic.

According to pull-request,, the author of the repo NVIDIA/tensorflow-determinism (Duncan Riach - Thank you again!), there are issues with the bilinear op.

However, as far as I can see from the source code of tfa.image.dense_image_warp, in particular:, it seems that the bilinear interp is self-contained.

Does this mean that the tfa.image.dense_image_warp is safe to be deemed GPU-deterministic? Can anyone who is more familiar with this op or GPU-determinism in general confirm?

Edit: Answer is below. Please see Issue 39751 that I opened. The issue is that tfa.dense_image_warp on backpropagation uses CUDA Atomic addition. As a result, for determinism (and arguably for stable non-deterministic training), Atomic addition is not suitable for this function's backprop.


  • Solved my issue. Please see Issue 39751. The issue is that tfa.dense_image_warp on backpropagation uses CUDA Atomic addition. As a result, for determinism (and arguably for stable non-deterministic training), Atomic addition is not suitable for this function's backprop.