Sample Data for Timestamp
2018-04-07 07:07:17
2018-04-07 07:32:27
2018-04-07 08:36:44
2018-04-07 08:38:00
2018-04-07 08:39:29
2018-04-08 01:43:08
2018-04-08 01:43:55
2018-04-09 07:52:31
2018-04-09 07:52:42
2019-01-24 11:52:31
2019-01-24 12:52:42
2019-01-25 12:52:42
Expected Output: (2+3+2+2+1+3)/6 = 1.66
I have to do it for weekly and monthly as well, but I can infer from the Hourly logic.
// Iterate over each entry of a group
def update(buffer: MutableAggregationBuffer, input: Row) = {
val dateString = input(0).toString()
val dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S")
val zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse(dateString, dtf.withZone(ZoneId.systemDefault)
// zdt ZonedDateTime
I can get use all the method of ZonedDateTime
I tried to solve using below approach-
Please note that the code is running in IST (GMT + 5.30), Therefore the dates 2018-04-07 07:07:17 and 2018-04-07 07:32:27 will be considered in different hours (1st in 6:30 - 7:30 and 2nd in 7:30 - 8:30)
Read the data
val spark = sqlContext.sparkSession
val implicits = spark.implicits
import implicits._
val data =
|2018-04-07 07:07:17
|2018-04-07 07:32:27
|2018-04-07 08:36:44
|2018-04-07 08:38:00
|2018-04-07 08:39:29
|2018-04-08 01:43:08
|2018-04-08 01:43:55
|2018-04-09 07:52:31
|2018-04-09 07:52:42
|2019-01-24 11:52:31
|2019-01-24 12:52:42
|2019-01-25 12:52:42
val df =
.schema(StructType(Array(StructField("date_time", DataTypes.TimestampType))))
Result -
|date_time |
|2018-04-07 07:07:17|
|2018-04-07 07:32:27|
|2018-04-07 08:36:44|
|2018-04-07 08:38:00|
|2018-04-07 08:39:29|
|2018-04-08 01:43:08|
|2018-04-08 01:43:55|
|2018-04-09 07:52:31|
|2018-04-09 07:52:42|
|2019-01-24 11:52:31|
|2019-01-24 12:52:42|
|2019-01-25 12:52:42|
|-- date_time: timestamp (nullable = true)
Bucketize the data and find the count for each hour
val hour = 60 * 60
// convert the time into unix epoch
val processedDF = df.withColumn("unix_epoch", unix_timestamp(col("date_time")))
.withColumn("hour_bucket", floor(col("unix_epoch")/hour))
|423073 |1 |
|423074 |1 |
|423075 |3 |
|423092 |2 |
|423122 |2 |
|430087 |1 |
|430086 |1 |
|430111 |1 |
find hourly average
// average count
|1.5 |
Hope this helps!