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Jasmine spy on base class protected property

I have a scenario to spy the protected property from the base class.

export class BaseClass {
    protected property1: string;

export class InheritedClass extends BaseClass, OnInit {

   ngOnInit() {

   populateProperties() {
       this.property1 = "test";

I am trying to write the unit test for this but is returning property1 not found. What could be the issue?

describe('populateProperties', () => {
    it('should assign the properties values', () => {
      // arrange
      const spy = spyOnProperty((component as any), 'property1');

      // act

      // assert



  • It's an instance variable, not a function so therefore it cannot be spied upon.

    Try this:

    describe('populateProperties', () => {
        it('should assign the properties values', () => {
          // act
          // assert
          expect((component as any).property1).toBeDefined();

    I assume the any is required because property1 is protected in the BaseClass but this is not best practice. You should only be testing the HTML/View, public methods, and public properties of your component.