I'm working on a code with a stored procedure in mvc framework. I have a field WorkOverDate to pick a date and save it in Unit table. After it is saved I'm looking to add that date into another table called WorkOver. The problem comes when I try to call the function with the stored procedure in the api that updated the info in the Unit and I get this: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 () I'm not sure what to do here. Everything I modify in the page, saves correctly, but the stored procedure doesn't work. Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
I have a UnitRepository file which has the following code:
public void UpdateWorkOver()
using (var cmd = _db.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "dbo.WorkOverAddDate";
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
bool isOpen = cmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open;
if (!isOpen)
if (!isOpen)
The stored procedure for this is:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[WorkOverAddDate]
INSERT INTO dbo.WorkOver
(UnitID, WODate, CreatedBy, Created)
SELECT UnitID, WODate, CreatedBy, Created
FROM dbo.WorkOver
SELECT ID, WorkOverDate, UpdatedBy, Updated
FROM dbo.Unit
Also, I have an API where I'm calling the function with the Stored Procedure when saving the page.
unit.Updated = DateTime.Now;
unit.UpdatedBy = _securityHelper.CurrentUserID.ToString();
_auditHelper.After = unit;
if (unit.WorkOverDate != null)
{ ((UnitRepository)_repoUnit).UpdateWorkOver(); }
The problem was that I had to add in the stored procedure :
Where WorkOverDate IS NOT NULL
as a null parameter cannot be added to a column that is not nullable. Now it's working.