I'm trying to get all profiles using ~all option with this endpoint
It doesn't return all profiles due to ~all for accounts. If I include account ID instead of ~all, then it returns profiles based on that account id - which are missing when used with ~all option.
Am I doing something wrong or is this GA API bug?
I sugst you look into using account summaries list
GET https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accountSummaries
This will return all the account information for a user.
"kind": "analytics#accountSummaries",
"username": "me@gmail.com",
"totalResults": 15,
"startIndex": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 1000,
"items": [
"id": "59183475",
"kind": "analytics#accountSummary",
"name": "Cube Analytics",
"webProperties": [
"kind": "analytics#webPropertySummary",
"id": "UA-59183475-1",
"name": "Cube Analytics",
"internalWebPropertyId": "93305066",
"level": "STANDARD",
"websiteUrl": "XXXXXXX",
"profiles": [
"kind": "analytics#profileSummary",
"id": "115455750",
"name": "Alaternate",
"type": "WEB"
"kind": "analytics#profileSummary",
"id": "97191919",
"name": "All Web Site Data",
"type": "WEB"
"kind": "analytics#profileSummary",
"id": "178538323",
"name": "MobileView",
"type": "APP"
}, ]
By using this call you should only need to make one call and get all of the information back.