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Socket IO event is not listened but can be monitored in android profiler network

Using socket io for my app to trigger certain events, I am listening to custom events and able to listen many other of them but one of them is not being listened. Even though I am able to see that event on Android Profiler Network but the listener is not being called.

enter image description here

The listening method for all the events are same and as I said earlier I am able to listen all other events other than only this event named "pair"


  • Finally after a long debugging period I got to know the issue was in the json sent from server. Actually there was some text in arabic which was received as (5DI 'DDG 9DJG H"DGH3DE) from the server, so the " was causing issue in json formatting.

    This issue was found from socket io library class parser.Parser method decodeString on which JsonException was thrown, which was not letting the final callback to be called.