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dplyr mutate converting "No" to 0 and "Yes" to 1

I have a column of type chr that I need as boolean (but leaving the NAs as NAs). The desired conversion is: No = 0, Yes = 1, NA = NA

tmp <- tibble(x = 1:7, y = c("No", "Yes", NA, "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "No"))

I used the following to mutate; however I don't want a new variable but just change the original y variable:

tmp = tmp %>% mutate(
 z = case_when(
     y=="No" ~ 0,
     y=="Yes" ~ 1


  • Just another solution which can be useful in case you will need to recode more values in the future

    tmp$y <- recode(tmp$y, "No" = 0, "Yes" = 1)

    or using mutate in a pipeline

    tmp %>% 
      mutate(y = recode(y, "No" = 0, "Yes" = 1))


    # A tibble: 7 x 2
    #       x     y
    #   <int> <dbl>
    # 1     1     0
    # 2     2     1
    # 3     3    NA
    # 4     4     1
    # 5     5     1
    # 6     6     1
    # 7     7     0