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Slow performance of PrimeNG Turbo Table in IE 11

We're using PrimeNG's Turbo Table with dynamic columns to display 1000 records per page.Both server-side pagination and sorting are enabled. This works well in Chrome but it is staggeringly slow in IE during sorting, pagination or updating all the records. Once the server response is returned in ~9s, IE freezes for 2 min and then displays the data. Also, the table uses ngSwitch to determine the column content, for instance, some columns display icons, some display a text area and so on.

Enabling prodMode has helped improve the page load significantly and this is comparable to Chrome now, however we still have performance issues while sorting, pagination and updating the records.

We've tested the performance by removing ngSwitch and observed a slight improvement - a 10s reduction. However, we require the ngSwitch functionality, so removing it really isn't an option, unless there's an alternative we can use. Anyhow, it doesn't quite solve our problem.

Appreciate any help please!


  • It can be possible that IE needs more time than any other latest browsers, especially in the situation that you need to display 1000 records which is not a small amount. I don't know if it is possible for your-case to load less records per time. If possible, you could find a balance between the load time and records amounts in IE.

    Without any sample code, we can only provide some general suggestions. In this situation, I can only suggest you to use F12 developer Performance tools to analyze UI performance, and use F12 developer Network tools to check the request spend time. If the Dev Tools doesn't work well in your IE, you could also use Windows Performance Toolkit to analyze the website performance.