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Performance Counter on how much Physical Memory % Used in Power shell

I am trying to monitor % of physical memory usage of local machine with performance counter in power shell. In resource monitor, under memory tab, we can get to know how much % of physical memory used.Also in Task manager, under Performance tab--> Memory, we can see how much % of memory used. check images for references as well.

I am following below steps in power shell to achieve same result

1) using below command , I am getting maximum physical memory

 $totalPhysicalmemory = gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem | % {$_.TotalPhysicalMemory /1GB}

2) Using below counter command , I am getting average available memory

 $avlbleMry = ((GET-COUNTER -Counter "\Memory\Available MBytes"|select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue )/1GB

3) Calculation to find % of Physical memory used: (Doing math round to 2 digits after decimal)


Am i doing right?Is this is the correct approach to get % of memory used? Is there any better approach to get % of physical memory using WMI commands or performance counter or some other way?

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I think your approach is right, but the memory units are wrong.

    Also, using Get-CimInstance is recommended.

    So the code look like this

    # use the same unit `/1MB` and `Available MBytes`
    $totalPhysicalmemory = (Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).TotalPhysicalMemory /1MB
    $avlbleMry = (Get-Counter -Counter "\Memory\Available MBytes").CounterSamples.CookedValue

    and some other ways

    # Win32_OperatingSystem, KB
    $osInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
    $total = $osInfo.TotalVisibleMemorySize
    $free = $osInfo.FreePhysicalMemory
    $used = $total - $free
    $usedPercent =  $used/$total * 100
    echo $usedPercent
    # Microsoft.VisualBasic, bytes
    Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
    $computerInfo = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.ComputerInfo]::new()
    $total = $computerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory
    $free = $computerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory
    $used = $total - $free
    $usedPercent =  $used/$total * 100
    echo $usedPercent