I'm trying to simulate the following systems of chemical reactions over time, calculating and plotting how the numbers of each molecule type changes over time:
1S + 0T + 0U --> 0S + 0T + 0U
2S + 0T + 0U --> 0S + 1T + 0U
0S + 1T + 0U --> 2S + 0T + 0U
0S + 1T + 0U --> 0S + 0T + 1U
Because S is used in two reactions, being consumed in one and produced in another it kind of skews the results when I plot them. At the moment the code I've got to do the plotting is as follows:
for i, label in enumerate(['S', 'T', 'U']):
plt.plot(popul_num_all[:, i], label=label)
That produces the following plot
This plot is created from the elements of an array: popul_num = np.array([S, T, U])
where I've used iteration to update and store the new values of molecule numbers over time
But the line for S just looks especially bad, Is there a way to separate the lines of S being plotted on one graph, and then the lines of T and U being plotted on a second?
Would the easiest way be to just write two enumerate functions one for S and a second for T and U ?
You can try subplots
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.plot(popul_num_all[:, 0], label='S')
for i, label in enumerate(['T', 'U']):
ax2.plot(popul_num_all[:, i+1], label=label)