Have a gatsby blog to which I've added a cover image that is either an image (I want that to appear as a Gatsby Image) or mp4 (I want that to appear as html5 video).
The problem is, when I query this field (in my markdown posts, cover: x.mp4
or cover: x.jpg
), if it's an mp4 and it doesn't have a property of childImageSharp
(error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fluid' of null
My query looks like this:
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "YYYY")
cover {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 900) {
so my goal is to have some kind of JSX like:
{post.frontmatter.cover.childImageSharp && (
<Img fluid={post.frontmatter.cover.childImageSharp.fluid} />
{post.frontmatter.cover.childImageSharp ? '' : (
<video src={post.frontmatter.cover} />
any ideas?
The problem is, when I query this field (in my markdown posts, cover: x.mp4 or cover: x.jpg), if it's an mp4 and it doesn't have a property of childImageSharp (error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'fluid' of null).
The cover
field will be a File node, so you won't be able to get the video src from it directly. If you just want access to the mp4 file (to put inside a video tag), you can query for its publicURL
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "YYYY")
cover {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 900) {
Then in your component:
{cover.extension === 'mp4'
? <video src={cover.publicURL} />
: <Img fluid={cover.childImageSharp.fluid} />