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Snowflake query credit calculation

One of my user has asked if it is possible to calculate the credit burnt for executing a particular query in snowflake. Based on my understanding I think it is not possible because the credit burnt is at the warehouse level and not at query level. But I still thought if someone has a way to calculate the credit per query.



  • I ended up writing a query as below

    SELECT query_id
                when total_elapsed_sec < 60 then 60 
                else total_elapsed_sec
          end as total_elapsed_sec_1
         ,ROUND(unit_of_credit*total_elapsed_sec_1 / 60/60,2)  total_credit
         ,total_credit*3.00 query_cost --change based on how much you are paying for a credit
    FROM (
      select query_id
         ,total_elapsed_time/1000   total_elapsed_sec
         ,CASE WHEN warehouse_size = 'X-Small'    THEN 1
                 WHEN warehouse_size = 'Small'      THEN 2
                 WHEN warehouse_size = 'Medium'     THEN 4
                 WHEN warehouse_size = 'Large'      THEN 8
                 WHEN warehouse_size = 'X-Large'    THEN 16
                 WHEN warehouse_size = '2X-Large'   THEN 32
                 WHEN warehouse_size = '3X-Large'   THEN 64
                 WHEN warehouse_size = '4X-Large'   THEN 128
           ELSE 1    
           END unit_of_credit
      from table(information_schema.QUERY_HISTORY_BY_USER
                 (user_name => 'USERNAME', 
                  END_TIME_RANGE_START => dateadd('hours',-1,current_timestamp()), --you can manipulate this based on your need
                  END_TIME_RANGE_END => current_timestamp(),RESULT_LIMIT => 10000)));