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get NSTableView cell values

I am new to OSX coding and coding a mac OS app.

How can I access the text from rows that the user has selected. In this particular case, I am allowing users to select multiple rows to delete from the database in one go and is why I need to retrieve the text that I'm using as keys in the database.

Working in the console screen, here is a simplified version of what I'm tring to do.

import Cocoa
import Foundation

extension MainViewController {

  func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {

    let myColumn = 0                          // -- first column
    let myRow = tableViewFolders.selectedRow  // -- row int index clicked

    let myCell:String = "?"  // -- ?get row or cell as string and/or array

    print("myColumn: \(myColumn)")
    print("myRow: \(myRow)")
    print("myCell: \(myCell)")



  • Here is the simplest form of an answer I was able to figure out. This is only one column but I see no reason it would not work for multi-column tables. You'd have to access each column element using a column index after retrieving the row.

    In a nutshell, I have an in-memory array.
    That array has been loaded into a tableView. Here is the code to get the rows that the user has hilited and do something with those rows. Here I am just printint it to the console.

    import Cocoa
    import Foundation
    extension MainViewController {
        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        // -- Note: that myDataArray is loaded and in memory
        // -- that data is now showing inside of the tableView
        // -- now we want to do something with the rows the user
        // -- has selected.
        // -- also note: I'm only accessing a single column tableView
        // -----------------------------------------------------------
        func tableViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // -- this is an array to store the selected rows data
            // -- in my case this is actually an instance array
            // -- in which I call .removeAll() on
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            selectedRowsData[String] = []
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // -- get the set of indexes for the rows that are selected
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // -- myTableView.selectedRowIndexes 
            // --    this is an index set containing 
            // --    the indexes of the selected rows
            let selectedIndexSet = myTableView.selectedRowIndexes     
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // -- if your curious this is the quantity of rows selected
            // -- we will be looping through this set in a moment
            // -- selectedIndexSet returns '# indexes' literally
            // -- this index set contains something like ["2", "5", "9"]
            // -- etc...
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // print("selectedIndexSet: There are \(selectedIndexSet)")
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            // -- loop through the index set and extract 
            // -- from the original data array "myDataArray"
            // -- the value that each row index points to
            // -----------------------------------------------------------
            for index in selectedIndexSet {  
                if index > -1 {
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------
                    // -- append the actual data to selectedRowsData
                    // -- this will provide quoted string comma separated data 
                    // -- ["dataA", "dataB", "more data here"]
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------
            print("selectedRowsData \n \(selectedRowsData)")