this is my code testable in a playground:
import Foundation
import UIKit
enum Error : Swift.Error, LocalizedError {
case failedTypeCastingUITableViewCell(name: String, type: Any.Type, reuseIdentifier: String?)
var domain: String {
return ""
var code: Int {
return 0
var nserror : NSError {
return NSError(domain: self.domain,
code: self.code,
userInfo: self.userInfo)
// var userInfo : [String: Any]? {
// var userInfo : [String: Any] = [:]
// switch self {
// case .failedTypeCastingUITableViewCell(let name, let type, let reuseIdentifier):
// userInfo = [
// "param_name": name
// ,"param_type": "\(type)"
// ,"param_identifier": reuseIdentifier
// ]
// return userInfo
// }
// }
var userInfo : [String: Any]? {
var userInfo : [String: Any] = [:]
switch self {
case .failedTypeCastingUITableViewCell(let name, let type, let reuseIdentifier):
userInfo = [
"param_name": name
,"param_type": "\(type)"
userInfo["param_identifier"] = reuseIdentifier
return userInfo
print(Error.failedTypeCastingUITableViewCell(name: "", type: UITableViewCell.self, reuseIdentifier: nil).userInfo)
this is the result I get from print and is what I want to achieve with commented code:
Optional(["param_name": "", "param_type": "UITableViewCell"])
this is the result I get from commented code instead:
Optional(["param_identifier": nil, "param_type": "UITableViewCell", "param_name": ""])
I know It have to work this way, but my question is can I get rid of this in some way? ie. custom init? custom subscript?
Given the concrete example, this is certainly possible, and in a number of ways.
One way is to use key/value pairs, and filter out what is nil:
let kv = [
("param_name", name),
("param_type", "\(type)"),
("param_identifier", reuseIdentifier)
].filter{$1 != nil}.map{($0, $1!)} // <== this is your magic line
userInfo = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: kv)
Another way is with reduce
userInfo = [
("param_name", name),
("param_type", "\(type)"),
("param_identifier", reuseIdentifier)
.reduce(into: [:]) { (d, kv) in d[kv.0] = kv.1 }
For more readability, you could extract that to an extension:
extension Dictionary {
init<S>(uniqueKeysWithNonNilValues seq: S)
where S : Sequence, S.Element == (Key, Value?) {
self = seq.reduce(into: [:]) { (d, kv) in d[kv.0] = kv.1 }
And then the calling code would be pretty nice IMO:
userInfo = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithNonNilValues: [
("param_name", name),
("param_type", "\(type)"),
("param_identifier", reuseIdentifier)
But we could push it just a little closer to your proposed syntax, and maybe that's nicer because it feels like a Dictionary again:
extension Dictionary {
init(withNonNilValues seq: KeyValuePairs<Key, Value?>) {
self = seq.reduce(into: [:]) { (d, kv) in d[kv.0] = kv.1 }
userInfo = Dictionary(withNonNilValues: [
"param_name": name,
"param_type": "\(type)",
"param_identifier": reuseIdentifier,