I've encountered an issue where using modular types in Ada that are not divisible by the system's Storage_Unit
( as defined in the runtime's system.ads
) will raise a Constraint_Error
at runtime when accessed. I originally encountered this issue working on an bare-metal system using a minimal runtime while trying to read 12bit values from a buffer by overlaying the 12bit array over the buffer in memory. Does anyone know why this is occurring?
The following minimal example illustrates the issue I'm encountering. I tested this using AdaCore's GNAT 2019, compiled with the included zfp
runtime. Using the standard runtime does not reproduce the issue.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is
-- Modular type with standard size divisible by 8.
type Type_One is mod 2 ** 16;
type Buffer_Type_One is array (1 .. 128) of Type_One;
-- Modular type with non-base 8 size.
type Type_Two is mod 2 ** 12;
type Buffer_Type_Two is array (1 .. 128) of Type_Two;
type Buffer is array (1 .. 256) of Character;
-- Example buffer.
Test_Buffer : Buffer := (others => ' ');
-- Will not raise an exception.
Test_One :
Buffer_One : Buffer_Type_One
with Import,
Convention => Ada,
Address => Test_Buffer'Address;
Put_Line ("Testing type one");
for I in Natural range 1 .. 16 loop
Put_Line ("Test: " & Buffer_One (I)'Image);
end loop;
end Test_One;
-- Will raise a constraint error at runtime.
Test_Two :
Buffer_Two : Buffer_Type_Two
with Import,
Convention => Ada,
Address => Test_Buffer'Address;
Put_Line ("Testing type two");
for I in Natural range 1 .. 16 loop
Put_Line ("Test: " & Buffer_Two (I)'Image);
end loop;
when Constraint_Error =>
Put_Line ("Constraint error encountered.");
end Test_Two;
end Main;
Here is the project file I used to compile this example:
project Test is
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Exec_Dir use "build";
for Create_Missing_Dirs use "True";
for Languages use ("Ada");
package Builder is
for Executable ("main.adb") use "test";
end Builder;
for Main use ("main.adb");
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (
end Compiler;
for Runtime ("Ada") use "zfp";
end Test;
I can't seem to find anything in the RM that would indicate why this would happen.
EDIT: Simon Wright below has figured out why this is happening. My naive understanding was that an instance of Buffer_Type_Two
overlaid at the specified memory address would interpret the memory at this location as a sequence of 12bit values. It appears that this is not the case. It appears as though the compiler is rounding the size of the type up to 16bits, then raising a Constraint_Error
when the 16bit value read from the array does not conform to the 12bit type.
If anyone can think of a better way to read a sequence of 12bit values from a location in memory in a sequential way I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
With recent GNATs, you can achieve the behaviour you want by defining Buffer_Type_Two
type Buffer_Type_Two is array (1 .. 128) of Type_Two
with Pack;
ARM 13.2(9) warns that this may not do what you want for 13-bit values (recent GNATs do, though).
An alternative would be
type Buffer_Type_Two is array (1 .. 128) of Type_Two
with Component_Size => 12;
The results are
Testing type two
Test: 32
Test: 514
Test: 32
Test: 514
For 13 bits, with either approach,
Testing type two
Test: 32
Test: 257
Test: 2056
Test: 64
Test: 514
Test: 4112
Test: 128
Test: 1028
Test: 32
HOWEVER, for an embedded target, you’ll need to use the -full-
runtime system; for others, as pointed out by @egilhh above,
ajxs.adb:14:09: packing of 12-bit components not supported by configuration