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Apply svelte-ignore warning comment to all files

I have been getting a bunch of warnings in my console saying "Unused CSS selector" for css from other files or css that was deleted already. It may be related to, but for now I am just looking for a way to prevent the unused css selector warnings from appearing in the console.

I have tried writing comments at the top of the _layout.svelte and template.html files like this: <!-- svelte-ignore css-unused-selector --> as is done here:, but it does not work. I could go through and add this to each file, but I was wondering if there is a way to make it apply to all files. Thanks.


  • I ran into this issue when I was importing a 3rd party scss library. One option is to remove this warning in the rollup.config.js file. This involves creating a custom onwarn handler. Like so:

    export default {
        client: {
                    hydratable: true,
                    emitCss: true,
                    // Warnings are normally passed straight to Rollup. You can
                    // optionally handle them here, for example to squelch
                    // warnings with a particular code
                    onwarn: (warning, handler) => {
                        // e.g. don't warn on <marquee> elements, cos they're cool
                        if (warning.code === 'PLUGIN_WARNING') return;
                        // let Rollup handle all other warnings normally

    The above config just throws out the css-unsed-selector warnings all together. Full details found in the docs here: