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TSQL - Picking up first match from a group of rows

I have a simple scenario wherein, a table stores data about which card(s) a users uses and if those cards are registered (exist) in the system. I've applied ROW_NUMBER to group them too

SELECT User, CardId, CardExists, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY User) AS RowNum From dbo.CardsInfo

User   | CardID | CardExists | RowNum
A      | 1      |   0        |  1
A      | 2      |   1        |  2
A      | 3      |   1        |  3
B      | 4      |   0        |  1
B      | 5      |   0        |  2
B      | 6      |   0        |  3
B      | 7      |   0        |  4
C      | 8      |   1        |  1
C      | 9      |   0        |  2
C      | 10     |   1        |  3

Now in the above, I need to filter out User cards based on the two rules below

  1. If in the cards registered with a user, multiple cards exist in the system, then take first one. So, for user A, CardID 2 will be returned and for User C it'll return CardID = 8
  2. Othwerwise, if no card is existing (registered) for the user in the system, then just take the first one. So, for user B, it should return CardID = 4

Thus, final returned set should be -

User   | CardID | CardExists | RowNum
A      | 2      |   1        |  2
B      | 4      |   0        |  1
C      | 8      |   1        |  1

How can I do this filteration in SQL?



  • You can use:

    SELECT ci.*
    FROM (SELECT User, CardId, CardExists,
                 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY User ORDER BY CardExists DESC, CardId) AS RowNum
          FROM dbo.CardsInfo ci
         ) ci
    WHERE seqnum = 1;

    You can also do this with aggregation:

    select user,
           max(cardexists) as cardexists,
           coalesce(min(case when cardexists = 1 then cardid end),
                   ) as cardid
    from cardsinfo
    group by user;

    Or, if you have a separate users table:

    select ci.*
    from users u cross apply
         (select top (1) ci.*
          from cardinfo ci
          where ci.user = u.user
          order by ci.cardexists desc, cardid asc
         ) ci