Search code examples

Oracle Cross Join based on first row

I am using Oracle database capturing transactional data.

Table 1: The transaction data of users opening the survey form. A recipient with the email address could potentially open the survey form couple of times but did not fill in and submit. The same survey can be determined by the Survey_No.

INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/21/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/19/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/10/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/3/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/1/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (2, [email protected],3/1/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (2, [email protected],3/3/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_open (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (3, [email protected],2/1/2020);

Table 2: The transaction data of the users submitting the survey. They could resubmit their choices again and again. Again, the survey_no will give info on which survey the response was for.

INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/21/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (1, [email protected],5/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (2, [email protected],3/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (2, [email protected],3/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (2, [email protected],3/15/2020);
INSERT INTO survey_fill (SURVEY_NO,EMAIL,DATE) VALUES (3, [email protected],3/1/2020);

The expected output that i am trying to get is to form a table that joins up the above two tables based on the nearest date that makes sense as a proxy to join. Which of the transaction on the survey_open table get tagged with a filled_date is not that important. Since the survey_id and email is many to many, i do not want to form a cross join.

enter image description here


  • Try to number items in both tables

    with o as(
      select so.*, row_number() over(partition by survey_no order by open_date) rn
      from survey_open so
    ), f as (
      select sf.*, row_number() over(partition by survey_no order by fill_date) rn
      from survey_fill sf
    select o.survey_no
         , o.open_date
         , (select min(f.fill_date) 
             from f 
             where f.survey_no = o.survey_no 
               and f.fill_date >= o.open_date
               and f.rn >= o.rn) as fill_date
      from o 
    order by o.survey_no, o.rn desc