We are migrating to TypeScript and we want to continue using Sinon for our tests.
Before we used JavaScript Service Unit Tests like this:
it('should get buyer application status count', function () {
let httpStub = sandbox.stub(http, 'get').returns({
then: function () {
return [];
let result = service.get();
The service.get()
method makes http
call to ApiService/GetMethod
and we we ensuring that it is called with this exact URL.
How do we the same in TypeScript with Sinon?
At the moment we do this:
it('should get list', () => {
// Arrange
let apiServiceStub: SinonStubbedInstance<ApiService>;
// Act
apiServiceStub= sinon.createStubInstance(ApiService);
let result = apiServiceStub.get();
// Assert -- Here is my question, how to do this line, it doesn't work now
As it is done now, the calledWith method matches only the passed arguments to the menthod and not how the HTTP call is called. I need something that can create similar to first example - http stub.
Happy to share the solution:
it('should stub http'), () => {
let httpStub = sandbo.stub(TestBed.inject(HttpClient), 'post').returns('Whatever');
let result = service.PostSomething();