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last line of an R function prevent the plotting

I'm really wondering why when I keep the last line (sigma) in my function foo1 my plot call stops working BUT when I delete the last line in foo2 the plot call works fine?!

Note: My understanding is that plot should show anywhere in the function like:

foo3 <- function(x = 1:3){; plot(x); return(x); }; foo3()

I need to keep the last line but I also need to plot, is this fixable?


h <- read.csv('')
h$year <- as.factor(h$year)
m <- lmer(scale~ year*group + (1|stid), data = h)

foo1 <- function(fit, plot = T){

  vc <- VarCorr(fit)
  f  <- as.formula(bquote(pairwise ~ .(terms(fit)[[3]])))
  ems <- emmeans(fit, f, infer = c(T, T))

  if(plot) plot(ems)

  ## Why having this line prevents plotting?
  sigma <- sqrt(sum(as.numeric(c(attr(vc[[1]], "stddev"), attr(vc, "sc")))^2)) 

###### EXAMPLE: Will NOT plot !!! 
foo1(m, plot = T)

But simply delete the last line of foo1 and plot works fine!

foo2 <- function(fit, plot = T){

  f <- as.formula(bquote(pairwise ~ .(terms(fit)[[3]])))   
  ems <- emmeans(fit, f, infer = c(T, T))

  if(plot) plot(ems)

###### EXAMPLE: NOW plots fine !!!
foo2(m, plot = T)          


  • The underlying cause for the unexpected behavior is that emmeans uses ggplot2 as plotting method. You may examine the code of function emmeans:::.plot.srg. This is why you can store the plot in an object (p) and print it:

    foo1 <- function(fit, plot=TRUE) {
      vc <- VarCorr(fit)
      f <- as.formula(bquote(pairwise ~ .(terms(fit)[[3]])))
      ems <- emmeans(fit, f, infer=c(TRUE, TRUE))
      sigma <- sqrt(sum(as.numeric(c(attr(vc[[1]], "stddev"), attr(vc, "sc")))^2))
      p <- plot(ems)
      if(plot) print(p)
    foo1(m, plot=TRUE)  ## plots
    # [1] 126.6106

    Intuitively we expect the behavior like in your foo3 <- function(x = 1:3){; plot(x); return(x); }; foo3() example:

    foo2 <- function(x, plot=TRUE) {
      y <- seq_len(x)^2
      if(plot) plot(seq_len(x), y)
    foo2(20)  ## plots
    # [1]   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81 100 121 144 169
    # [14] 196 225 256 289 324 361 400

    But this works differently, when one uses ggplot. When we don't store the "ggplot" object, a following line will "overwrite" the plot.

    foo3a <- function(x, plot=TRUE) {
      y <- seq_len(x)^2
      if(plot) ggplot(mapping=aes(seq_len(x), y)) + geom_point()
      return(y)  ## try to comment/un-comment this line
    foo3a(20)  ## won't plot, just output of y (depending on `return`)

    Therefore we have to actually print the "ggplot" object (I show this by storing the plot in p in function foo3b), if it's not the last line of the function.

    foo3b <- function(x, plot=TRUE) {
      y <- seq_len(x)^2
      p <- ggplot(mapping=aes(seq_len(x), y)) + geom_point()
      if(plot) print(p)
      return(y)  ## try to comment/un-comment this line (works in both cases)
    foo3b(20)  ## plots
    # [1]   1   4   9  16  25  36  49  64  81 100 121 144 169
    # [14] 196 225 256 289 324 361 400

    Note that the use of return also is useful.