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Terraform import ECS task definition from another project

I have multiple projects, each with their own Terraform to manage the AWS infrastructure specific to that project. Infrastructure that's shared (a VPC for example): I import into the projects that need it.

I want to glue together a number of different tasks from across different services using step functions, but some of them are Fargate ECS tasks. This means I need to specify the task definition ARN in the step function.

I can import a task definition but if I later update the project that manages that task definition, the revision will change while the step function will continue to point at the old task definition revision.

At this point I might as well hard-code the task ARN into the step function and just have to remember to update it in the future.

Anyone know a way around this?


  • You can use the aws_ecs_task_definition data source to look up the latest revision of a task definition family:

    data "aws_ecs_task_definition" "example" {
      task_definition = "example" 
    output "example" {
      value = data.aws_ecs_task_definition.example

    Applying this gives the following output (assuming you have an example service in your AWS account):

    example = {
      "family" = "example"
      "id" = "arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:1234567890:task-definition/example:333"
      "network_mode" = "bridge"
      "revision" = 333
      "status" = "ACTIVE"
      "task_definition" = "example"
      "task_role_arn" = "arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/example"

    So you could do something like this:

    data "aws_ecs_task_definition" "example" {
      task_definition = "example" 
    data "aws_ecs_cluster" "example" {
      cluster_name = "example"
    resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "sfn_state_machine" {
      name     = "my-state-machine"
      role_arn = aws_iam_role.iam_for_sfn.arn
      definition = <<EOF
       "StartAt": "Manage ECS task",
       "States": {  
          "Manage ECS task": {  
             "Type": "Task",
             "Resource": "arn:aws:states:::ecs:runTask.waitForTaskToken",
             "Parameters": {  
                "LaunchType": "FARGATE",
                "Cluster": ${data.aws_ecs_cluster.example.arn},
                "TaskDefinition": ${},
                "Overrides": {  
                   "ContainerOverrides": [  
                         "Name": "example",
                         "Environment": [  
                               "Name": "TASK_TOKEN_ENV_VARIABLE",
                               "Value.$": "$$.Task.Token"
             "End": true