I'm trying to create a query that returns the distinct values across 4 columns in a single row. My where clause will limit the depth of the results to just one row but keep the data separated into columns. For example
SELECT color1, color2, color3, color4 FROM art WHERE id = 1
would return (in columns)
|Red |Blue |Blue |Green |
But I want only the distinct values
|Red |Blue |Green | |
Is there such a thing as using an unpivot and then pivot back to columns?
One option is to UNPIVOT
your data and then PIVOT
via a dense_rank()
Declare @YourTable Table ([ID] varchar(50),[Color1] varchar(50),[Color2] varchar(50),[Color3] varchar(50),[Color4] varchar(50))
Insert Into @YourTable Values
Select *
From (
Select A.ID
,Col = concat('Color',dense_rank() over (partition by ID order by Item) )
from @YourTable A
Cross Apply ( values (color1)
) B(Item)
Where ID=1
) src
Pivot (max(item) for Col in (Color1,Color2,Color3,Color4) ) pvt
ID Color1 Color2 Color3 Color4
1 Blue Green Red NULL
Note: The Where ID=1
is optional