I'm trying to connect to G Suite's LDAPS server with Golang's LDAP library.
However, in the example, I don't really understand two things.
It seems like it connects via non-encrypted LDAP first? Then it upgrades? Is that true, if so, can't I just start out by connecting encrypted?
Google supplies a .cer & .key file to connect to their ldap server. I don't see where it use these files. I do see in their docs that a lot of LDAP clients require the files to be combined into a .p12. Is that necessary for Go?
If the person that answers this could supply an example, that would really help. Thank you.
, as you've noted, allows one to upgrade a connection to use a TLS
later on in the connections lifecycle.
If you want to connect via TLS
immediately, then use the well known ldaps
port 636
(instead of 389
) - and use DialTLS:
// l, err := ldap.Dial("tcp", "ldap.example.com:389"))
var tlsConf *tls.Config
ldaps, err := ldap.DialTLS("tcp", "gsuite.google.com:636", tlsConf)
You may also use DialURL
which infers TLS or non-TLS by the schema e.g.
conn, err := ldap.DialURL("ldap://ldap.example.com") // non-TLS on default port 389
conn, err := ldap.DialURL("ldaps://ldap.example.com") // TLS on default port 636
conn, err := ldap.DialURL("ldaps://myserver.com:1234") // TLS on custom port 1234
// Note: there is no way to add a custom tls.Config with this method
So if using, DialTLS
: since you are using a Google service, it's trust cert should already be in your keychain, so a simple tls.Config
should suffice:
tlsConf = &tls.Config{ServerName:"gsuite.google.com"} // <- ensure this matches the hostname provided by the server
If you want to get things up an running for testing:
tlsConf = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} // DO NOT USE EVER
To add a client cert for client-side authentication:
// Load cer & key files into a pair of []byte
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(cer, key)
if err != nil {
tlsCong := &tls.Config{Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}}