Inspired by 3blue1brown I'm trying to graph the escape (divergence) of the Tetration function with Python –– something akin to this beautiful graphic on Wikipedia.
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value, aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
ln_base = cmath.log(base)
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = cmath.exp(ln_base*t) # [ base^t == e^(ln(base)*t) ]
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
I'm trying to make it work with a meshgrid in order to graph the escape on the x-y plane. Python doesn't like that the output is 2 unpacked variables (the limit, or the escape) – this I can definitely solve by splitting into two functions.
But another issue is that the complex-math operations (cmath.log, cmath.exp) are only working well with scalars...
I tried to vectorize the function:
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
tetration_vec = np.vectorize(tetration_com)
t, escape = tetration_vec(xv + yv*1j, max_step=500)
But it's running forever.
Any advice on how to deal with the complex-math operations and the vectorization?
Here is how I graphed my escape in the end:
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6, max_val=10**2):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value
# aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step or abs(t) > max_val):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = pow(base, t)
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
Vectorized helper function:
def tetra_graph_escape(real, imag, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**3, max_val=10**2):
return np.array([np.array([tetration_com(r + im*1j, tol=tol, max_step=max_step, max_val=max_val)[1]
for im in imag]) for r in real])
# graph our escape:
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
val, escape = tetra_graph_conv(x, y), tetra_graph_escape(x, y)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for r in range(len(escape)):
for c in range(len(escape[0])):
if escape[r][c] is None:
escape[r][c] = -100
Contour graph of Tetration escape: