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Expressionengine tags inside php

In expressionengine with php parse enabled,

if i do the following, it works and i get the username displayed. logged in user is admin. So it echos out admin.

  $x = '{username}';
  echo $x;

However if i do the following and use the{username} tag insde mkdir() function, then it doesn't work. The directory created will have the name {username} instead of admin. Why is this happening.

  $x = '{username}';


  • I'd suggest writing a quick plugin that accepts the logged-in username as a parameter, then does your mkdir() work within the plugin.

    class Make_directory
        var return_data = '';
        function __construct()
            $this->EE =& get_instance();
            $username = $this->EE->TMPL->fetch_param('username', FALSE);
            if($username != FALSE)
                $dir = mkdir(escapeshellarg($username));
            $this->return_data = $dir;

    There's more to the plugin, but that's the guts of it. Then call it like {exp:make_directory username="{logged_in_username}"}.