I have a tiff with daily snow depth values in 1986.
This tiff has 365 rasterLayers
representing each day of the year.
I need to extract each rasterLayer
and save it by month and day. For example:
The last file would be snow_19861231.tif
I was able to save the January values but I don’t understand how I can make a loop through all months. I created a table with all days in each month and accumulated monthly values hoping that it would help me doing the loop through months.
Year Month DaysInMonth DaysInMonthAcc
1 1986 1 31 31
2 1986 2 28 59
3 1986 3 31 90
4 1986 4 30 120
5 1986 5 31 151
6 1986 6 30 181
7 1986 7 31 212
8 1986 8 31 243
9 1986 9 30 273
10 1986 10 31 304
11 1986 11 30 334
12 1986 12 31 365
#load raster and unstack
snowraster <- stack("Y:/Downloads/10km_daily_snow_1961_2018_geotiff/snow_1986.tif")
unstacked <- unstack(snowraster)
#helper table with months and accumulated days per month
daysInMonth1986 <- as.numeric(diff(seq(as.Date("1986-01-01"), as.Date("1987-01-01"), by = "month")))
yearTable <- data.frame("Year" = "1986", "Month" = seq(1,12), "DaysInMonth" = daysInMonth1986, "DaysInMonthAcc" = cumsum(daysInMonth1986))
#get the number of days in first month
DaysInMonthAcc <- yearTable[1:12,"DaysInMonthAcc"]
daysinmonth <- seq(1, DaysInMonthAcc[1])
#write the first month
for (i in daysinmonth){
snow1986 <- unstacked[[i]]
snow1986filename <- paste0("Y:/Downloads/test/", "snow_198601",sprintf("%02d", i),".tif")
writeRaster(snow1986, snow1986filename)
The tiff file is here.
Why would you do that? Seems like a bad idea, but you should be able to do it like this:
inpath <- "Y:/Downloads/10km_daily_snow_1961_2018_geotiff/"
outpath <- "Y:/Downloads/test/"
year <- 1986
dates <- seq(as.Date(paste0(year, "-01-01")), as.Date(paste0(year, "-12-31")), 1)
dates <- gsub("-", "", as.character(dates))
fnames <- file.path(outpath, paste0("snow_", dates, ".tif"))
snow <- brick(file.path(inpath, paste0("snow_", year, ".tif")))
#check: length(fnames) == nlayers(snow)
for (i in 1:length(fnames)) {
writeRaster(snow[[i]], filename=fnames[i])