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Golang Access Data Elements of Common Struct

I will have an application with many messages adhering to a Req/Rsp design. Implemented below is a single Req/Rsp for the message Foo. A Req will adhere to a common interface for processing the message and return a response. All Rsp messages will embed the MHRSP struct. I'd like to set the response status outside of the ProcessRequest method. The issue I am having, is a runtime fault resulting from the block of code below marked Problem Area

panic: interface conversion: interface {} is *main.FooRsp, not main.MHRSP

Since I will have many messages, not just FooRsp, casting to FooRsp is not the solution, so the question is, how do I handle this in a generic way (i.e. able to set Success and Error Message for any Rsp)?

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package main
import (

type MHREQIF interface {
    ProcessRequest(e int) (interface{}, error)

type MHRSP struct {
    Success bool `json:"success,omitempty"`
    ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message,omitempty"`

type FooReq struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`

type FooRsp struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`

func (self *FooReq) ProcessRequest(e int) (interface{}, error) {
    rsp := FooRsp{Name:self.Name}
    if 0 == e {
        return &rsp, nil    
    } else {
        return &rsp, errors.New("crap")

func main() {
    var msg_req MHREQIF
    msg_req = &FooReq{Name:"bob"}
    rsp, err := msg_req.ProcessRequest(1)
    if err != nil {
        // -------------- PROBLEM AREA BEG ------------------
        v := rsp.(MHRSP)
        v.Success = false
        v.ErrorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
        // -------------- PROBLEM AREA END ------------------
    msg_bytes, _ := json.Marshal(rsp)
    msg_string := string(msg_bytes)


  • Thanks to @mkopriva and @Adrian for pointing me in the right direction. Sometimes that shift from C++ OO to go-isms is mind bending :P

    Here is the working code for anyone with a similar struggle on how to tackle this kind of issue.

    Welcome to GDB Online.
    GDB online is an online compiler and debugger tool for C, C++, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, Perl,
    C#, VB, Swift, Pascal, Fortran, Haskell, Objective-C, Assembly, HTML, CSS, JS, SQLite, Prolog.
    Code, Compile, Run and Debug online from anywhere in world.
    package main
    import (
    type MHREQIF interface {
        ProcessRequest(e int) (MHRESPIF, error)
    type MHRESPIF interface {
        SetResponse(err error)
    type MHRSP struct {
        MHRESPIF `json:"-"`
        Success bool `json:"success"`
        ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message,omitempty"`
    type FooReq struct {
        Name string `json:"name"`
    type FooRsp struct {
        Name string `json:"name"`
    func (self *MHRSP) SetResponse(err error) {
        if err != nil {
            self.Success = false
            self.ErrorMessage = fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
        } else {
            self.Success = true
    func (self *FooReq) ProcessRequest(e int) (MHRESPIF, error) {
        rsp := FooRsp{Name:self.Name}
        if 0 == e {
            return &rsp, nil    
        } else {
            return &rsp, errors.New("crap")
    func main() {
        var msg_req MHREQIF
        msg_req = &FooReq{Name:"bob"}
        rsp, err := msg_req.ProcessRequest(1)
        msg_bytes, _ := json.Marshal(rsp)
        msg_string := string(msg_bytes)