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How to see commits that were merged in to a merge commit?

If my-feature-branch was merged into my-main-branch, how can I see what commits were merged in from my-feature-branch?


  • If you want to see every commits merged in the last merge you can try that :

    git log $(git merge-base --octopus \
    $(git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%P)).. --boundary

    Here is an example of my current log :

    $ git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
    * 44899b9 pouf
    *   8f49f9c Merge branch 'test'
    | * 3db39ca test
    * | 69f431c pif
    * | df1f51c lala
    * 8fae178 pif2
    * 20f8ba6 init

    If I only want commits related to the last merge I have to use git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%P which gives me the parents of the first merge available :

    $ git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%P
    69f431cec7859b61d33c7503c9431ceea2aaf3e0 3db39ca3ab1e8f70462db23d94590628b5e7ad7b

    Now that I know which parents I need to track, I need their common base that I can obtain through git merge-base --octopus (--octopus is there just in case) :

    $ git merge-base --octopus \
    $(git log -1 --merges \

    Now with git log I can search every commit since the base to the current HEAD:

    $ git log $(git merge-base --octopus \
    $(git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%P)).. \
    --boundary --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit 
    * 44899b9 pouf
    *   8f49f9c Merge branch 'test'
    | * 3db39ca test
    * | 69f431c pif
    * | df1f51c lala
    o 8fae178 pif2

    If you're a bit perfectionist you can also do this :

    $ git log 
    $(git merge-base --octopus \
    $(git log -1 \
    --merges --pretty=format:%P))..$(git log -1 --merges --pretty=format:%H) \
    --boundary --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit 
    *   8f49f9c Merge branch 'test'
    | * 3db39ca test
    * | 69f431c pif
    * | df1f51c lala
    o 8fae178 pif2

    Now I think I'll keep this as an alias :)

    The --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit options are optional.

    Resources :