I would like to have a viz with one two boxplots, but only one of them have jittered data points. I can create the viz below, but want the 'non-jit" to not have the datapoints. Thanks for the help!
Amount = c(runif(20,1,100),5,25,50,75,90,(runif(20,1,100)),5,25,50,75,90)
Level = c(rep(1,25),rep(2,25))
Description = c(rep("jit",20),rep("non-jit",5),rep("jit",20),rep("non-jit",5))
Jitter = data.frame(Level,Description,Amount)
names(Jitter) = c("Level", "Description", "Amount")
Jitter$Description = factor(Jitter$Description, levels = c("jit", "non-jit"))
Jitter$Level = factor(Jitter$Level, levels = c("1", "2"))
ggplot(Jitter, aes(x=Amount, y = Description))+
geom_point(position = position_jitter())+
If I understand you, we can just add tweak the data that is passed to geom_point
. By default, geom_point
inherits the aes
as you've definied it in ggplot
. By filtering the data, we just pass the points we wanted plotted
ggplot(Jitter, aes(x=Amount, y = Description))+
geom_point(data = Jitter %>% filter(Description != "non-jit"),
position = position_jitter())+