I'm trying to create a heatmap from geographic point data using folium
but can't make the map display. The data called df
looks like this:
lon lat
-70.979868 -33.679843
-70.969798 -33.673900
-70.969040 -33.696048
-70.947613 -33.678202
-70.940072 -33.674478
I create the base map using Map
from folium import Map
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
hmap = Map(location=[-33.45, -70.65], control_scale=True, zoom_start=11, )
And then create a layer on top using HeatMap
hm_ap = HeatMap(list(zip(df.lat.values, df.lon.values)),
radius=8, max_zoom=13).add_to(hm_ap)
The code apparently works, but the output is the following:
<folium.plugins.heat_map.HeatMap at 0x21cd9088588>
You know why the map is not being displayed?
It looks like you might be adding the heatmap layer to itself (.add_to(hm_ap)
), but you need to add it to the map (which is hmap
First you create your map:
from folium import Map
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
hmap = Map(location=[-33.45, -70.65], control_scale=True, zoom_start=11)
Then you create your HeatMap layer and add it to the map:
heatmap_layer = HeatMap(list(zip(df.lat.values, df.lon.values)),
radius=8, max_zoom=13)
Then you should be able to view it: