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Drop values in expression dataset python

I have this microarry dataset. I want to bypass an issue I had in the early version of this pipeline, ( I have created an experiment file and read this in as a dataframe. I want to elimiated each column in my expression table that no longer exist as a string value in column accession of the dataframe I read in.

# Import tools
import GEOparse
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# download datasets
gse1 = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo="GSE99039", destdir="C:/Users/Highf_000/PycharmProjects/TFTest")
gse2 = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo="GSE6613", destdir="C:/Users/Highf_000/PycharmProjects/TFTest")
gse3 = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo="GSE72267", destdir="C:/Users/Highf_000/PycharmProjects/TFTest")

# import all GSM data for each GSE file
with open("GSE99039_GPL570.csv") as f:
    GSE99039_GPL570 =
with open("GSE6613_GPL96.csv") as f:
    GSE6613_GPL96 =
with open("GSE72267_GPL571.csv") as f:
    GSE72267_GPL571 =

# gse1
gse1.gsm = gse1.phenotype_data

# gse1
gse1.details = pd.read_csv('GSE99039_MicroarrayDetails.csv', delimiter = ',')
gse1.detailsv1 = gse1.details[(gse1.details.values == "CONTROL") | (gse1.details.values == "IPD") | (gse1.details.values == "GPD") ]

# gse1
pivoted_control_samples = gse1.pivot_samples('VALUE')[GSE99039_GPL570]

# gse1
# Pulls the probes out
pivoted_control_samples_average = pivoted_control_samples.median(axis=1)
# Print number of probes before filtering
print("Number of probes before filtering: ", len(pivoted_control_samples_average))
# Extract all probes > 0.25
expression_threshold = pivoted_control_samples_average.quantile(0.25)
expressed_probes = pivoted_control_samples_average[pivoted_control_samples_average >= expression_threshold].index.tolist()
# Print probes above cut off
print("Number of probes above threshold: ", len(expressed_probes))
# confirm filtering worked
samples = gse1.pivot_samples("VALUE").loc[expressed_probes]

# print phenotype data
print(gse1.phenotype_data[["title", "source_name_ch1", "Disease_Label", "Sex" ]])

This is what my dataframe I created looks like, named gse1.detailsv1 in script:

   Accession       Title  Source name  ... Subject_id Disease label     Sex
0  GSM2630758  E7R_039a01  Whole blood  ...      L3012       CONTROL  Female
1  GSM2630759  E7R_039a02  Whole blood  ...      L2838           IPD    Male
2  GSM2630760  E7R_039a03  Whole blood  ...      L2540           IPD  Female
3  GSM2630761  E7R_039a04  Whole blood  ...      L3015       CONTROL  Female
4  GSM2630762  E7R_039a05  Whole blood  ...      L2884           IPD  Female

[5 rows x 7 columns]

This is what my expression table looks like, named samples in script:

name       GSM2630758  GSM2630759  ...  GSM2631314  GSM2631315
ID_REF                             ...                        
1007_s_at       5.397       4.952  ...       5.567       5.529
1053_at         5.199       5.198  ...       5.706       5.078
117_at          8.327       8.589  ...       8.511       8.458
121_at          7.042       6.935  ...       7.526       7.673
1294_at         7.753       8.210  ...       7.537       7.418

[5 rows x 558 columns]

For pretend, if GSM2630758 doesnt exist in column Accession in the first dataframe, I want to drop GSM2630758. I need loop through this and eliminate all values that no longer exist.


  • samples.drop(set(samples.columns[1:]) - set(gse1.detailsv.Accession.unique()), axis=1)