I try to use MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) to calculate the unit commitment problem. (unit commitment: An optimization problem trying to find the best scheduling of generator)
There are two optimization variables.
Generator power :P(continuous variables).
Which line segment on cost curve to use :BN(binary variable).
,Used to linearize the quadratic cost function of the generator.
Only one line segment can be opened at a time. So there will be a Constraint. Bn1 + Bn2 + Bn3 <=1
Each line segment will have its own slope and intercept.
I want to calculate the minimum cost.
This mathematical formula represents the sum of the cost of 1 to H hours.
This is how I code : sum(slope1* p * Bn1 +intercept1* Bn1 +slope2* p * Bn2 +intercept2* Bn2 +slope3* p * Bn3 +intercept3* Bn3 )
This way, the two optimization variables will be multiplied. Make the problem from MILP become to MIQP. I want to ask if there is any way can maintain my problem in MILP. thank you. ps : i use ibm cplex of python API to solve Optimization problem
You could use piecewise linear in docplex. Let me share the example from the zoo and bus example in python:
from docplex.mp.model import Model
mdl = Model(name='buses')
nbbus40 = mdl.integer_var(name='nbBus40')
nbbus30 = mdl.integer_var(name='nbBus30')
mdl.add_constraint(nbbus40*40 + nbbus30*30 >= 300, 'kids')
#after 4 buses, additional buses of a given size are cheaper
f=mdl.piecewise(0, [(0, 0),(4,4)], 0.8)
mdl.minimize(f(nbbus40)*500 + f(nbbus30)*400)
for v in mdl.iter_integer_vars():
print(v," = ",v.solution_value)
which gives
nbBus40 = 0
nbBus30 = 10.0