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Stupid js func undefined

I'm writing a Chrome extension, in my background.html page, it is injecting a js file with this command:

chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "mod.js"});

All of the code from this file is running on the page just fine, except for one function not being defined for an onclick property.

I am changing the innerHTML of Facebook's main page, the div that contains "top news" and "most recent"

I'm inserting this html:

"<a href='#' onclick='thisIsUndefined()'>
  <span class='someClass'>
    Better feed

And right in the js file that is injected, thisIsUndefined is perfectly stated as:

function thisIsUndefined () {
    alert("is it working yet?");

I even have another function in the file that I am using, but whenever I click the link that's inserted, the I get an error saying that it's undefined.

Exact error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: thisIsUndefined is not defined

Here's the whole file for reference:

Could you recommend any keywords like 'global' or 'var' that could fix the definition?


  • This is the best solution I found:

    $("#elementID").click(function() {