I use zlib 1.211 as a dynamic library and VS2019.
I create a simple zip from a txt file
FILE* input = fopen("D:\\1.txt", "rb");
FILE* output = fopen("D:\\1.zip", "wb");
/* do compression if no arguments */
bool ok = compress_file(input, output);
Compression function is:
bool compress_file(FILE* src, FILE* dst)
uint8_t inbuff[CHUNK_SIZE];
uint8_t outbuff[CHUNK_SIZE];
z_stream stream = { 0 };
if (deflateInit(&stream, COMPRESSION_LEVEL) != Z_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "deflateInit(...) failed!\n");
return false;
int flush;
do {
stream.avail_in = fread(inbuff, 1, CHUNK_SIZE, src);
if (ferror(src))
fprintf(stderr, "fread(...) failed!\n");
return false;
flush = feof(src) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH;
stream.next_in = inbuff;
do {
stream.avail_out = CHUNK_SIZE;
stream.next_out = outbuff;
deflate(&stream, flush);
uint32_t nbytes = CHUNK_SIZE - stream.avail_out;
if (fwrite(outbuff, 1, nbytes, dst) != nbytes ||
fprintf(stderr, "fwrite(...) failed!\n");
return false;
} while (stream.avail_out == 0);
} while (flush != Z_FINISH);
return true;
But when I try to open the created zip by, for example, TotalCommander or WinRAR I get "Error in package file".
zlib doesn't make zip archives. Your code makes zlib streams. Two different things.