I want to use mutate to give me predicted values based on pre-specified variables with a quadratic / polynomial function. I can easily do this with a linear formula like this:
xvar <- "Sepal.Length"
yvar <- "Sepal.Width"
##linear fit
#what does formula text look like?
formula = !!sym(yvar) ~ !!sym(xvar)
models <- iris %>%
nest(-Species) %>%
# Perform loess (or lm) calculation on each group
m = map(data, lm,
formula = !!sym(yvar) ~ !!sym(xvar) ),
# Retrieve the fitted values from each model
fitted = map(m, `[[`, "fitted.values")
However, trying to model with a polynomial formula creates an error. What am I doing wrong?
##polynomial fit
#what does formula text look like?
formula = !!sym(yvar) ~ !!sym(xvar) + I(!!sym(xvar)^2)
#Doesn't work
models <- iris %>%
nest(-Species) %>%
# Perform loess (or lm) calculation on each group
m = map(data, lm,
formula = !!sym(yvar) ~ !!sym(xvar) + I(!!sym(xvar)^2)),
#formula = Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + I(Sepal.Width^2)), #works
# Retrieve the fitted values from each model
fitted = map(m, `[[`, "fitted.values")
#Error in sym(xvar)^2 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
Have you tried putting the brackets in different places? e.g. sym(xvar ^ 2)
or (!!sym(xvar)) ^ 2
The error messages is telling you that sym(xvar)
is non numeric, which is true. So you need to apply the unary !! operator before the binary ^ one.
Operator precedence: