I'me developing a game in AS3 AIR and I'me using Distriqt GameServices native extension.
The problem is that I can not sign in to Apple Game Center.
In the documentation, it's stated that: If Google Play Services aren’t available then you won’t be able to use the functionality in this extension. And there's a code snippet:
var result:int = GoogleApiAvailability.instance.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable();
if (result != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
if (GoogleApiAvailability.instance.isUserRecoverableError( result )) {
GoogleApiAvailability.instance.showErrorDialog( result );
} else {
trace( "Google Play Services aren't available on this device" );
} else {
trace( "Google Play Services are Available" );
//init here
That sounds odd to me because Google Play Services are not available on iOS, naturally.
I've tried to skip this step and initialize the service without checking GoogleApiAvailability. But I'm getting this message after a successful initialization and then calling signIn() method:
The requested operation could not be completed because local player has not been authenticated.
That sounds odd too, because this is the authentication method itself!!
I'm almost sure that my setup is correct. And the extension is working fine on Android. GameServices ANE Version: 5.0.011
Any help is appreciated, Thanks
Ah, actually that had nothing to do with the Distriqt GameServices, so sorry.
The message "The requested operation could not be completed because local player has not been authenticated." was coming from iOS meaning the Game Center is not activated on the device.
Switching on Game Center in the device (settings-> gamecenter) solved the issue.