I have a collection of all events $events = App\Event::orderByDesc('start_date')->get()
. Now I want to put the events of today first, while keeping the order of the other events. I think I should use reject()
and prepend()
, but I am not able to combine both..
You can try make use of the partition method of collection like so:
// Create 2 collections, One for today's event and another for the other days
list($todays, $otherDays) = App\Event::orderByDesc('start_date')->get()->partition(function($event){
// NOTE: change the date comparison as necessary such as date format. I assume you use carbon here
return $event->start_date === \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateString();
$events = $todays->merge($otherDays);
As an alternative, I found this post that makes use of the reject method. For your case the code will be something like:
$filterFunc = function($event){
return $event->start_date === \Carbon\Carbon::today()->toDateString();
$collection = App\Event::orderByDesc('start_date')->get();
$events = $collection->filter($filterFunc)->merge($collection->reject($filterFunc));