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How to get notified when crontab fails

Trying to detect if my crontab job fails and if so I would want it to notify me but I could not find any information on that but the following from the old What does the following mean?

&& curl -sm 30<email-address>/<cronjob-name>?c=

Is there a good way to create a script in case crontab fails?

Using Mac OS


  • crontab -e

    [email protected]
    * * * * * echo 'hi' >> hi.txt

    please check if you have a MTA like this :

    netstat -tlnp |grep :25

    or using sudo

    sudo netstat -tlnp |grep :25

    and you should get a row like

    root@linux:~# netstat -tlnp |grep :25
    tcp    0    0*    LISTEN    1322/master

    if you do not get that then you install ssmtp

    sudo apt install ssmtp
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure ssmtp