I have a strange behavior for a few days. Every debug start in any iOS project on a physical device (MacOS projects start up normally) that I'm working on (even in a blank new project) lasts between one minute (on a USB connection) and over two minutes (on) a Wi-Fi connection). That's so annoying! I use Xcode 11.2.1 and Xcode 11.3 Beta, the same result on both. The host system is macOS 10.15.1 on a Macbook Pro Retina 15 inch (late 2012). The app will always hang in the home screen until it finally launches. While booting over a WiFi connection, a process called "llbd-rpc-server" receives several megs from the iOS device over the WiFi network, even on a completely empty sample project! I have never had this problem before! I have a backup system that does not experience this issue (same Xcode and MacOS version). So, is this an Xcode setting in the context of LLDB? I have already disabled all breakpoints, no change! Please help!
I have been suffering with this for a couple of weeks. I finally found https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/123068 which includes the helpful hint:
I deleted folders inside ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ (folder's name started with 12.4.6), then run Xcode and launch an app again, problem solved.
Which did in fact finally solve my issue.