How do I compare a variable date with a fixed date in an *ngIf call.
In my .ts file, I have:
public _dateFrom: Date;
Then, I've tried this and it produced a compiler error:
<div *ngIf="_dateFrom >= (new Date('12/1/2010'))">
Also tried this with the same problem:
<div *ngIf="_dateFrom >= (new Date(2010,12,1))">
Any help would be appreciated.
Angular template doesn't allow creating variables. You could try to create a function in the controller and return the comparison.
Two more things to notice:
(2010, 11, 1)
for 1st December 2010.getTime()
method instead of directly comparing the date objects.Try the following
isOldThan(year: number, month: number, date: number) {
return this._dateFrom.getTime() >= (new Date(year, month, date)).getTime();
<div *ngIf="isOldThan(2010, 11, 1)">