eg: current table
employee_id employee_name location_1 location_2 location_3
111 Reeta Delhi
112 Pinky Chennai Kerala Null
113 Tinku Noida Ranchi Jaipur
114 Teena Null
115 Bing Assam Assam
Desired table :
employee_id employee_name Location
111 Delhi
112 Pinky Chennai
112 Pinky Kerala
113 Tinku Noida
113 Tinku Ranchi
113 Tinku Jaipur
115 Bing Assam
1.The Null values on location column should be ignored while transforming column to row in target table 2. the employee_id and name with null value as location shouldnt be brought to target table. 3.When emplyee_id and employee_name as duplicate values only one should be brought to target table
A simple option uses union all
select employee_id, employee_name, location_1 location from mytable where location_1 is not null
union all
select employee_id, employee_name, location_2 from mytable where location_2 is not null
union all
select employee_id, employee_name, location_3 from mytable where location_3 is not null
A hive-specific approach using a map and lateral view explode
might be more efficient:
select employee_id, employee_name, location
from (
map("location_1", location_1, "location_2", location_2, "location_3", location_3) as mp
from mytable
) t
lateral view explode(mp) m as locname, location
where location is not null