I want to list the most recent activity (from FilteredActivityPointer) per account (FilteredAccount). Problem is that activities are not directly linked to account but have contacts in between. So accounts can have multiple contacts. Multiple contacts can have multiple activites.
The full entity model
Question: How can I retrieve the most recent activity per account?
I tried the following (using SQL Server 2016, Transact SQL):
FROM FilteredContact co cross apply
FROM FilteredActivityPointer fa
where fa.regardingobjectid = co.contactid and fa.regardingobjecttypecode=2
order by fa.actualend desc
) fa
JOIN FilteredAccount ac on ac.accountid = co.accountid
JOIN FilteredOpportunity opp on opp.accountid = ac.accountid and opp.statecode=0
The relationship between contact and activity is modelled using regardingobjectid and regardingobjecttypecode
My problem is that the query above lists the most recent activity per contact NOT per account. How can determine the most recent activity over all contacts of one account?
This might be simpler adressed with row_number()
than cross apply
select *
from (
select *, row_number() over(partition by ac.accountid order by fa.actualend desc) rn
from FilteredContact co
inner join FilteredActivityPointer fa
on fa.regardingobjectid = co.contactid
and fa.regardingobjecttypecode = 2
inner join FilteredAccount ac
on ac.accountid = co.accountid
inner join FilteredOpportunity opp
on opp.accountid = ac.accountid
and opp.statecode = 0
) t
where rn = 1